2018 HOGtoberfest

The Regina Harley Owners Group (H.O.G.) would like to thank everybody for attending our 2018 HOGtoberfest!  The money raised from our events is shared among the events we support including the CF Ride, The Annual Ride for Breast Cancer Screening, Who’s Your Daddy Prostate Cancer Ride, Christmas Food Hamper Rib Night fundraiser, Toy Run… among other things.

Thank You to the companies and individuals who donated the prizes for tonight’s event:  The Regina German Club, Richardson’s Lighting, Tom’s Independent Grocer, RSO (Regina Symphony Orchestra), Globe Theater, Fort Gary Industries, Denise Dick, Jaki Biesenthal, Jacquline Novak of Custom Garage Creations, The Regina H.O.G. Group, SaskMilk and Prairie Harley Davidson.

We would like to send out a HUGE thank you to the Regina German Club Schuhplattler and Kleine Pakete groups for dancing and entertaining us!!

Thank you to the German club for everything they do for us and for hosting our event.

The band Cornerstone did an amazing job and fun was had by all dancing until they kicked us out!!

HOGStarke Männ was won by  and HOGStarke Frau was Caron Zora-Hertzog.

Mr. and Mrs. HOGToberfest was Sean Renton and Tallas Hertzog.